Where all bariatric patients are welcomed to learn and grow together. The Sleeved Dietitian™ intends to be your most valued and reliable resource in the bariatric community. We are committed to creating and providing evidence based resources and materials to empower you to change your relationship with food so you can be successful long term on your journey. 

To create the most inclusive space in the WLS community

Our Commitment

If you look closely, you may notice that the star is not perfectly even. It’s a bit crooked and lopsided. Having an imperfect start to represent our brand was intentional. You see, there is no such thing as the “perfect” bariatric journey.


We would like to take this opportunity to share with you the meaning behind The Sleeved Dietitian Logo. The 4 points of the star represent our core values: 

Our Core Values

Here at The Sleeved Dietitian™ we want you to embrace and own your imperfections that make you YOU. Here at The Sleeved Dietitian™ we want you to know that you don’t have to be “perfect” to be successful, happy, and healthy. When you step into our space we want you to feel like you can show up as your most authentic and genuine self. We don’t want you to fear comparison or judgment. We want to be transparent and share the ups and downs on this journey. In our community, we do not have space for toxic positivity. We are real, honest, and authentic, and everything we do we do with care and integrity. 


Here at The Sleeved Dietitian


And while we may not sugar coat things, what we will do is provide you with the best support possible. We will hold you accountable, just as we will hold space for you on the days when things are hard. We will validate your feelings and make sure you have the resources and support you need to keep going. 

(with an emphasis on the love!)

Here at The Sleeved Dietitian you can expect tough love


To make The Sleeved Dietitian™ community, resources, spaces, and events the most inclusive in the bariatric community. Our services, spaces, and events are intended for women, those who identify as women, non binary and non gender conforming people on this journey. 

It's Our Mission

Please know that there is a seat for you at our table. At The Sleeve Dietitian™ we join the Small Business and Anti Racist Pledge. In addition, we extend those same principles to all marginalized communities including but not limited to people of color, the LGBTQIA+ community, neurodivergent folx, indigenous people, and those with disabilities. 

The Sleeved Dietitian™ acknowledges that the acronym for our community T.R.I.B.E.™ is the same as a word used to describe many different indigenous communities. We honor the similarity through our commitment to DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging) and are always open to conversations around identity and inclusion. 

We want all folx on this journey to feel welcomed and included

We Join The Small Business & Anti Racist Pledge