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Why Bariatrics Isn’t Cheating
Obesity, It’s Treating It

Resource page!

A message from the author

Hi there!

If you’re here, it means that you found your way to my page through my book The Easy Way Out: Why Bariatrics Isn’t Cheating Obesity It’s Treating It! I hope you absolutely love it so far! If you’ve finished the book and you haven’t done so already, it would mean the absolute WORLD to me if you could leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads.

It was so important to me when I wrote this book that you felt fully supported on your journey! Whether you are a bariatric patient, thinking about becoming a bariatric patient, a practitioner, or just someone trying to learn more about the process, I hope that this book has brought you the comfort, clarity, and sense of belonging and empowerment you have been seeking. 

This webpage is meant to coincide with the book and provide you with additional journal prompts, resources, and information that I hope you find helpful! Please continue to refer to this page as often as you’d like! Please note that the majority of these prompts are catered toward pre and post-op bariatric patients. However, if you are a practitioner, I do believe these prompts will be very insightful for you to reflect on as you imagine experiencing surgery from the patient’s point of view. In addition, I do believe that the journal prompts given in the introduction and closing sections are incredibly important for ALL people to reflect on, both before and after, reading the book. 

Should you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me and The Sleeved Dietitian team at any time! The best way to reach me is via email [email protected] 

Xoxo, Jamie 

P.S. – Don’t forget to check your email! I send emails out every Sunday with additional tips, tricks, and resources and I also let you know when I have new services and events happening. Be sure to check your spam and promotions folders and add [email protected] to your contact list so you never miss a message from me.

Dr. Eric Smith is an Ashland, Kentucky native and a board-certified general surgeon and certified Center of Excellence Bariatric Surgeon who has been in practice since 2006. He graduated from Marshall University, where he received a Bachelor of Science in Biology.

He graduated from the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine in 2001. He did his surgical internship and residency at Grandview Medical Center/ Dayton, Ohio, with Ohio University. During his training, his hospital was named the first Center of Excellence in Bariatric Surgery in the state of Ohio. He was awarded chief resident for an unprecedented 2 years. He’s a member of the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgeons, The American College of Osteopathic Surgeons and American Osteopathic Association.

Dr. Smith specializes in robotic bariatric and general surgery. Dr. Smith has performed over 4,200 robotic cases, performs more robotic bariatric surgery than anyone in the state of Kentucky and is consistently one of the highest volume robotic surgeons in the world. Dr. Smith hosts case observations, proctors surgeons, speaks on a variety of robotic surgery topics and leads multiple courses in Robotic Bariatric procedures annually.

Dr. Smith is one of only 2 SLP (Surgeon Led Procedure Sites) in the World for Robotic Bariatric Surgery

Dr. Smith is recognized as a Center of Excellence Robotic Surgeon and Master Surgeon in Robotics by the Surgical Review Coorporation and Leads a MBSAQIP Center at Kentucky Bariatric Institute

He is in practice in Georgetown Kentucky where he is the Chief of Surgery at Georgetown Community Hospital and is the Medical Directory of the Kentucky Bariatric Institute

He is the Director of Robotics and Bariatrics for Lifepoint Health. 

He can be seen on TLC’s 1000 pound sisters.

Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients:

  1. Before reading this book, what are your initial thoughts and emotions about weight loss surgery? Do you think that this book will change your perspective in any way? If so, how?
  2. Reflect on your experience with societal perceptions of obesity. Have you encountered shame or stigma related to your weight? How has it affected your decision-making process regarding weight loss surgery?
  3. What are your long-term goals after weight loss surgery? Envision your life and health in the years to come. What steps can you take to work towards these goals?
  4. Describe your post-operative experience. What support systems have you relied on? Are there any resources or support that you wish were more readily available to you?
  5. Embracing the bariatric journey as an ongoing process is crucial. Practice self-compassion by writing a letter to yourself, acknowledging your efforts and progress, and offering encouragement for the future. Embrace the idea that this journey is not about reaching a fixed destination, but about continuous growth and self-improvement.

Additional Journal Prompts for Non-Bariatric Patients and Practitioners:

  1. Explore your own beliefs and attitudes about weight loss surgery and obesity. Are there any preconceived notions you hold about individuals who undergo bariatric procedures? How might these beliefs influence your interactions with bariatric patients, if you were to encounter them in a personal or professional setting?
  2. Consider the impact of societal stigma on the utilization of weight loss surgery. How can you contribute to reducing the stigma surrounding obesity and bariatric surgery in your community or workplace? What steps can you take to promote empathy and understanding for those considering or undergoing this type of treatment?

Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients:

  1.  Take some time to reflect on your weight loss journey and the factors that led you to consider bariatric surgery. What emotions and thoughts come to mind when thinking about your past attempts at weight loss through traditional methods?
  2. Consider the different aspects of your life, such as genetics, environment, emotions, psychology, culture, and socioeconomic status, that may have played a role in your obesity. How do you see these elements interacting and impacting your weight management? What are your thoughts when you hear the word “obesity”? What feelings come up?
  3. Think about your perception of BMI as a measure of health. How has it influenced your self-image and understanding of your own well-being? Are there other ways you would prefer to evaluate your health progress?
  4. Childhood obesity is a significant concern with implications for adulthood. Take a moment to explore how your experiences during childhood may have affected your relationship with food and your body as you grew older. Describe your earliest memory related to your weight or body image. How has this memory shaped your perception of yourself?
  5. The concept of setpoint theory suggests that losing and maintaining weight can be challenging for individuals with lifelong obesity. How does this idea resonate with your own experiences? Have you noticed any patterns or struggles in your weight loss journey that align with this theory?

In this chapter, I mentioned providing you with additional resources. I highly suggest starting with this resource here

In addition, here are some of my personal suggestions if you are just starting the process! 

  • See if you qualify for WLS based on your BMI and/or comorbidities
  • Talk to your PCP. You can certainly ask them for a referral, but please also know, if they are not in support of weight loss surgery you are well within your right to seek out care elsewhere.
  • Most bariatric centers don’t require a referral. If you feel comfortable, I would suggest researching bariatric surgical centers of excellence in your area and scheduling a time to go to their information seminar. 
  • I would also suggest contacting your insurance company to see if WLS is covered.

Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients

  1. When did you first start considering surgery? If you are reading this and realizing you may qualify, what feelings does that bring up for you? Hope? Overwhelm? Fear? Anger? Write down everything without judging your own thoughts. What led you to the turning point of considering having surgery? 
  2. Explore the different medical interventions available for treating obesity, such as medication and surgical procedures. What are your thoughts and feelings about these options? How do you envision your life after undergoing one of these treatments? If you have already had WLS what were your thoughts on these options prior to having WLS? How has your life changed since undergoing one or more of these interventions?
  3. Research and reflect on the various types of bariatric surgeries mentioned in the chapter summary. Is there a particular procedure that stands out to you? What factors do you consider when thinking about which surgery might be the best fit for your situation? If you have already had WLS which surgery did you choose and why? 
  4. Lifestyle changes are essential both before and after bariatric surgery. Reflect on the lifestyle habits that may have contributed to your weight gain and how you can make sustainable changes to support your long-term health and well-being. What steps can you take to embrace a healthier lifestyle?

In this chapter, I shared a very vulnerable story about how I was laughed at by an employee at my WLS centre. This is a video I filmed when I had gotten home that day. I had originally filmed this video in anticipation of sharing it with my peers in my dietetic internship. I’m glad I saved it and I’d like to share it here with you now.


Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients

  1. Do you have any preconceived notions about people who struggle with obesity? Any stigmas or judgments? Try to be honest with yourself. Even if you yourself have or still struggle with your weight.
  2. Have you ever judged someone else based on the size of their body? If so, it is okay to admit this. We can’t start to tackle weight stigma if we don’t acknowledge our own bias.
  3. If you are someone whose body size has changed, whether from weight gain or weight loss, have you noticed a difference in how people treat you or react to you? What feelings does that bring up?
  4. Have you ever felt guilty for wanting to lose weight? Write down whatever comes up.
  5. Was there anything in this chapter that surprised you or that you disagreed with? Did any of my “unpopular opinions” spark any emotions? If they did that is okay! Write them down.

Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients

  1. What is your own history or experiences with AOMs like? 
  2. Do you have any thoughts or strong feelings surrounding the usage of AOMs?
  3. Did you learn anything new in this chapter? Was there anything that surprised you?
  4. What are your initial thoughts and feelings when considering weight loss medications? Have you encountered any stigmas associated with using these medications?
  5. Research and write about the various weight loss medications available in this chapter. What are their potential benefits and side effects? How can understanding the facts help you make informed decisions?

On my own AOM journey I chose to go seek care through Sequence. After receiving excellent care via with their telehealth program I chose to professionally partner with Sequence. If you would like to learn more, please feel free to use this link or follow them @joinsequence on Instagram.

**Disclaimer: The Sleeved Dietitian, LLC provides one paid partnered post per month through our partnership. The Sleeved Dietitian does NOT receive affiliate payouts for those who sign on using the above link, it is simply to track who signs on via our referral. 

Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients

  1. Explore any preconceived notions or biases you may have about weight loss medications and where these beliefs originated from (e.g., media, personal experiences, societal norms).
  2. Have you ever discussed weight loss medications with a healthcare professional? If yes, write about your experience. If not, explore why you might feel hesitant to do so.
  3. How do you think using weight loss medications would impact your sense of achievement in your weight loss journey? Is there a belief that relying on medication is “cheating”?
  4. Imagine a scenario where you decide to use weight loss medications. How would you explain your decision to others, and how would you handle potential judgment or criticism?
  5. If you are already using weight loss medications, write about your experiences, both positive and negative. How has it influenced your weight loss journey and overall well-being?
  6. What do you think about those who use AOMs who have had WLS? Do you believe that obesity is a disease worthy of medical treatment just like any other disease? Answer honesty. If yes, why? If not, why not? Did hearing comparisons made in this chapter about obesity being just as much a disease as any other medical diagnosis elicit any strong feelings or emotions? What about disagreements? Write it all out and try not to judge your own thoughts or opinions, but rather, explore them with curiosity.
  7. Do you hold on to any resentment, frustration, or animosity towards these medications or those who use these medications due to your own struggles with being able to obtain them? Have you dealt with hardships surrounding shortages, medical insurance coverage, etc? If so allow yourself to voice these frustrations freely. What is your hope in terms of being able to obtain these medications in the future?

Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients

  1. What does “healthy” mean to you? Take a moment to reflect on how your definition may have been influenced by society, media, and cultural norms.
  2. Explore the idea that health is not solely defined by physical appearance or weight. How can you shift your focus towards overall well-being and vitality?
  3. Investigate the impact of social media on your perception of health and body image. Are there certain accounts or platforms that promote unrealistic standards of health? How can you protect yourself from these influences?
  4. Write about any experiences you’ve had where you felt judged or pressured to conform to a specific idea of health. How did these experiences affect you, and how can you respond to them in a healthier way?
  5. Reflect on the concept of “wellness culture.” What does it mean to you, and how has it influenced your behaviors and choices around health and self-care? Explore the potential dangers of wellness culture, such as promoting harmful diets, excessive exercise, or unproven health practices. How can you differentiate between evidence-based wellness practices and trendy fads?

Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients

  1. Reflect on your understanding of nutrition before and after weight loss surgery. How has your perspective on food and nourishment changed? Are there any misconceptions you held about nutrition after WLS that have been dispelled through your bariatric journey? Did you learn anything new in this chapter that surprised you? If so, do you feel any feelings of anger or even resentment for not knowing these things “sooner?” How can you start implementing some of the teachings here into your own routine based on where you are at currently in your journey?
  2. Describe your experience with portion control after weight loss surgery. How have your portion sizes evolved over time, and how do you feel about the changes? What strategies have you developed to ensure you are nourishing your body appropriately while managing portion sizes? Do you ever worry you are eating “too much” or stress about the size of your plates? If so, describe what those worries and fears entail. Has this chapter helped you put any of those fears to rest?
  3. Consider the concept of “all foods fit, just not all the time.” How do you interpret this statement in the context of your post-bariatric eating habits? How have you learned to strike a balance between enjoying different foods and maintaining a bariatric eating routine?
  4. Reflect on your eating patterns before and after weight loss surgery. How have your eating habits shifted, and what challenges have you faced in adopting healthier choices? How can you maintain a positive relationship with food while keeping in mind the nutritional needs of your body?
  5. Explore the idea of the “process” in your bariatric journey. How do you feel about the gradual reintroduction of different foods into your diet? Are there any fears or anxieties about this process, and if so, how can you work through them to ensure long-term success in your post-surgery lifestyle?

If you would like more support with navigating realistic nutrition habits after WLS I would love for you to CLICK HERE to download my FREE 50+ page meal planning guide where I take you through my entire process to meal planning and prepping. In this guide I provide you with the same concepts provided in the book but go into greater detail.

Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients

  1. Reflect on your post-surgery goals and routines. Have you found them to be realistic and sustainable over the long term? If not, how can you start to make your routine more sustainable for the long haul based on what you learned in this chapter? How can you adjust your expectations to ensure consistency in your bariatric journey?
  2. Consider your approach to tracking calories and macros after weight loss surgery. How has it impacted your mindset and relationship with food? Do you feel it promotes a balanced approach to eating, or does it sometimes lead to all-or-nothing thinking? How can you find a personalized approach to monitoring your nutrition without becoming overly restrictive?
  3. Explore the significance of nutrition label reading in your post-bariatric life. How has this skill helped you better understand the foods you consume? Are there any surprises or insights you’ve gained from reading labels? How has it influenced your food choices?
  4. Discuss the concept of counting net carbs after weight loss surgery. Why is it not suggested, and how has this affected your meal planning and dietary decisions? How can you ensure you are making informed and healthy choices without relying on net carb calculations?
  5. Reflect on your weight loss expectations and how they have evolved throughout your journey. Have you encountered stalls or plateaus, and if so, how have you managed them emotionally and practically? How can you cultivate a positive mindset and maintain motivation even during challenging times when your weight fluctuates?

Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients

  1. Reflect on your journey post-bariatric surgery and the unique rules that have been a part of it. How do you feel about these rules, and what challenges have you faced in following them? How can understanding the reasons behind these rules empower you to make positive decisions in regard to these “rules”?
  2. Explore the “don’ts” for bariatric patients, such as avoiding eating and drinking together, straws, carbonation, sugar-sweetened beverages, alcohol, and caffeine. Have you encountered any difficulties in adhering to these guidelines? How has eliminating these habits impacted your overall well-being? Are there any “don’ts” you are currently doing that you feel you need to remove from your routine? If so which ones and why?
  3. Consider the “do’s” for bariatric patients, including following your post-op diet, meeting protein, fiber, and fluid goals, and taking vitamins. How have these positive practices influenced your progress and recovery? What strategies have you developed to ensure you consistently follow these guidelines?
  4. Reflect on your understanding of the reasons behind the “do’s” and “don’ts” of post-bariatric surgery. How has this knowledge affected your commitment to following these rules? Have you noticed any positive changes in your health and lifestyle by adhering to them?
  5. Think about how you can integrate the “do’s” and navigate the “don’ts” into your daily routine with a positive mindset. How can you turn these guidelines into habits that support your long-term well-being? What adjustments can you make to your lifestyle to ensure you continue to prioritize your health after bariatric surgery?

If you would like more support with navigating vitamins after WLS and with understanding the ASMBS Vitamin Guidelines please CLICK HERE. I would suggest using these PDFs (based on the surgery type you have) and comparing what is recommended to what is provided in your vitamins. If you need more help doing so this is something I support patients with in the T.R.I.B.E. Membership Program

Please note I am not affiliated with any one bariatric vitamin company. Below is a list of some reputable bariatric vitamins brands you may want to consider. Please be sure to always check with your surgeon and surgical team to ensure you are meeting their requirements as well:

  • ProCare
  • Celebrate
  • Barilife
  • Bariatric Advantage
  • Fusion


Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients

  1. Reflect on the various advice and information you have received regarding post-surgery life. How do you discern which advice is most valuable and relevant to your own journey? How can you be mindful of the sources you rely on for nutrition and medical guidance?
  2. Consider the idea that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to post-surgery life. How has this concept played out in your own experience? Have you encountered challenges in finding what works best for you, and how have you navigated through them?
  3. Reflect on the advice provided in the chapter, encouraging you to take what resonates with you and apply it to your routine. How can you adopt a flexible and individualized approach to your post-surgery life? How can you embrace experimentation and adaptation as you figure out what feels right for you?
  4. Explore the notion that what works for one person may not work for everyone. Have you ever compared your progress or choices to others and felt discouraged or uncertain? How can you shift your focus from comparison to self-awareness and self-compassion on this journey?
  5. Reflect on the idea of falling in love with the process rather than just focusing on the destination. How can you embrace and appreciate the small victories, the learning experiences, and the growth that comes with each step of your post-surgery life? How does this mindset shift impact your overall well-being and outlook on the journey ahead?

If you would like more support with tackling regain please click here to download my workbook on evaluating your habits if/when you are experiencing regain:

Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients

  1. Reflect on the various advice and information you have received regarding post-surgery life. How do you discern which advice is most valuable and relevant to your own journey? How can you be mindful of the sources you rely on for nutrition and medical guidance?
  2. Consider the idea that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to post-surgery life. How has this concept played out in your own experience? Have you encountered challenges in finding what works best for you, and how have you navigated through them?
  3. Reflect on the advice provided in the chapter, encouraging you to take what resonates with you and apply it to your routine. How can you adopt a flexible and individualized approach to your post-surgery life? How can you embrace experimentation and adaptation as you figure out what feels right for you?
  4. Explore the notion that what works for one person may not work for everyone. Have you ever compared your progress or choices to others and felt discouraged or uncertain? How can you shift your focus from comparison to self-awareness and self-compassion on this journey?
  5. Reflect on the idea of falling in love with the process rather than just focusing on the destination. How can you embrace and appreciate the small victories, the learning experiences, and the growth that comes with each step of your post-surgery life? How does this mindset shift impact your overall well-being and outlook on the journey ahead?

**I’d like to preface this chapter & its corresponding journal prompts by reminding you that I am not a therapist or licensed mental health professional. In this chapter, I’m simply sharing my personal opinion, as well as discussing the feelings and emotions I’ve seen others express on this journey. 

This chapter also discusses my approach to mindfulness and awareness after surgery from a bariatric coaching perspective; however, please keep in mind you should always discuss your mindset practices with your own therapist or mental health care provider. Should any of these prompts be triggering to you please do not proceed with finishing them and be sure to consult with a mental health practitioner.

Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients

  1. Reflect on the emotional journey you have experienced since having bariatric surgery. What feelings have come up, and how have you coped with them? How can you find healthier ways to address emotional challenges without turning to food as a solution?
  2. Explore the importance of mindset in the context of bariatric surgery. How has your mindset evolved since the procedure, and how has it impacted your overall experience? How can you actively work on cultivating a positive and supportive mindset to complement the physical changes from surgery?
  3. Reflect on the mindset practices mentioned in the chapter, such as journaling, affirmations, gratitudes, and identifying limiting beliefs. Have you tried any of these techniques, and if so, how have they affected your thought patterns and emotional well-being? How can you integrate these practices into your daily routine to foster a healthier mindset?
  4. Consider the idea that happiness and joy are not contingent on weight loss. How can you work on finding contentment and joy in your life right now, regardless of your weight or physical appearance? How can you embrace the process of change and transformation with a positive outlook?
  5. Reflect on the powerful statement “I am enough.” Do you believe this statement? How do you currently perceive yourself, and how can you cultivate a sense of self-worth and self-acceptance? How can believing in your own worthiness positively influence your post-surgery journey and overall well-being?

**Trigger Warning: This chapter & its corresponding journal prompts discuss mental health struggles in detail, including but not limited to: eating disorders and behaviors, depression, and anxiety. Please feel free to skip over this chapter and/or journal prompts if needed. Please be sure to always consult with a mental health professional on your mindset practices and routines. Should any of these prompts be triggering to you please do not proceed with finishing them and be sure to consult with a mental health practitioner.

If you are looking for a bariatric therapist in your area, I suggest utilizing these resources below: 

  1. Advanced Bariatric Counseling
  2. Bariatric Therapist Directory 
    **If you are a therapist who would like to be added to the bariatric directory or who is interested in becoming certified in bariatric assessments, please reach out to [email protected] directly 
  3. Psychology Today
    **When searching on psychology today, you may want to consider searching for therapists who specialize in disordered, emotional eating, addiction, and/or trauma depending on your unique situation. This is important to note because unlike the previous two resources Psychology Today doesn’t allow you to check off “bariatrics” as a topic of concern.

Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients

  1. Reflect on your mental health journey before and after bariatric surgery. Have you experienced any changes in your mental well-being since the procedure, and if so, how have you coped with them? How can you differentiate between the support mindset work provides and the need for professional mental health therapy and treatment?
  2. Explore the concept of transfer addiction after weight loss surgery. How can you be vigilant about recognizing any signs of transfer addiction in yourself or others? How can you take this concern seriously and take appropriate steps to address it?
  3. Reflect on emotional eating as a potential struggle post-bariatric surgery. Have you encountered emotional eating behaviors, and if so, how have they affected your post-surgery journey? How can you consider seeking cognitive-behavior-change therapy and long-term support from a therapist to overcome or manage emotional eating?
  4. Consider the connection between disordered eating behaviors and unresolved emotional struggles or traumas. Have you noticed any hyperfixation of food and weight after surgery, and how do you approach addressing such concerns? How can you recognize the need for proper pre- and post-op nutrition and emotional support to avoid or cope with disordered eating behaviors?
  5. Reflect on the relationship between mental health struggles, including eating disorders, and receiving obesity care through medical and surgical bariatric interventions. How has your medical and mental health care team supported you in managing these concerns? How can you work collaboratively with your healthcare providers to monitor and address mental health aspects throughout your weight loss journey?

Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients

  1. Reflect on your unique experience with weight loss surgery. How has your journey been different from others, and how have you navigated the challenges and opportunities that came your way? How can you embrace your individuality and use it as a source of strength on this path?
  2. Consider the statement about not everyone having the same opportunities for success and support in their weight loss surgery journey. How have you personally experienced varying levels of support and resources, and how has it impacted your progress? How can you advocate for yourself and seek the support you need to achieve your goals?
  3. Explore the idea of nuanced situations and circumstances that different bariatric patients face. Have you encountered any unique challenges related to your culture, race, ethnicity, faith, gender, identity, sexuality, or mental and physical abilities? How can you address and overcome these challenges with empathy and support, acknowledging that they may require additional consideration?
  4. Reflect on the importance of empathy and understanding when someone is struggling with their weight loss surgery journey. How can you offer compassion and support to others who may be facing different barriers and challenges? How can you create a safe and supportive community that fosters acceptance and encouragement?
  5. Consider the significance of walking in someone else’s shoes on the weight loss surgery path. How can you develop a deeper understanding of others’ experiences, even if they are different from your own? How can you approach conversations and interactions with openness and a willingness to learn from others’ perspectives?

Advocating for yourself after surgery can be SO hard. My best piece of advice is to let your surgeon & dietitian know how you are feeling! 

  • If you are struggling with feeling emotional or overwhelmed let them know! 
  • If you are struggling with implementing the habits they are expecting of you ask them if they can support you in achieving the goals they have outlined 
  • The best thing you can do is communicate your needs with your practitioners.
If you would like more support in finding a Bariatric Center of Excellence in your area CLICK HERE and be sure to double check on their website and/or when you call to schedule an appointment that they are an accredited Center of Excellence. 
If you would like more support in finding a physician who is Double Board Certified in Obesity Medicine CLICK HERE. You can either enter your doctors information to see if they are double board certified in obesity medicine OR you can simply enter in your state and/or zip code to see which providers are local to you 

Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients

  1. Reflect on your own experience with bariatric care and support. Have you ever felt misunderstood, undersupported, or confused about the expectations placed upon you? How can you effectively communicate your needs and concerns to your medical team to ensure you receive the support you require?
  2. Reflect on your personal experience with both post-operative support for bariatric patients compared to pre-operative support. How has the level of support you received before and after surgery impacted your journey? How can you proactively seek additional support and resources during the post-operative phase of your weight loss journey?
  3. Consider the idea of improving communication among the interdisciplinary team involved in your bariatric care. How can you advocate for better lines of communication between your healthcare providers to ensure consistency in your care and a more seamless patient experience?
  4. Reflect on the importance of cultural competencies and awareness of nuanced situations in bariatric care. Have you ever encountered situations where cultural or individual factors were not adequately considered in your treatment? How can healthcare providers better understand and empathize with their patients to provide more personalized and effective care?
  5. Explore the barriers to bariatric surgery, including insurance coverage and costs. Have you faced challenges in accessing the surgery you needed due to these barriers? How can you advocate for better support and coverage for those seeking bariatric care? How can you navigate these obstacles and seek the support you deserve?

Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients

  1. Reflect on your experience with grief before and after weight loss surgery. How have you coped with the emotions associated with leaving behind old habits, lifestyle, and body? How can you acknowledge and process these feelings while embracing the positive changes that come with your weight loss journey?
  2. Consider the concept of grieving romantic relationships after surgery. Have you experienced changes or shifts in your romantic life due to your weight loss journey? How can you navigate these changes with emotional resilience and self-compassion?
  3. Reflect on the impact of weight loss surgery on friendships and family relationships. Have you noticed any shifts or losses in your social connections? How can you approach these changes with understanding and open communication to maintain healthy relationships?
  4. Explore the idea that personal growth and change can affect your relationships with others. Have you experienced dynamics shifting in your relationships as you’ve evolved on your weight loss journey? How can you foster understanding and support in your relationships, even as you continue to grow and change?
  5. Reflect on the profound transformations that occur beyond just physical changes after weight loss surgery. How have you evolved personally, mentally, and emotionally throughout this journey? How can you embrace and celebrate the positive changes in yourself while acknowledging that change is a natural part of growth and self-discovery?

Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients

  1. Reflect on the importance of finding a supportive community on your weight loss journey. Have you found a community that understands and relates to your experiences? How has this community impacted your journey, and what benefits have you gained from being a part of it?
  2. Consider the potential challenges of online bariatric communities. Have you ever experienced comparison or toxic behaviors in these spaces? How can you navigate social media communities in a way that promotes positivity and growth rather than harmful comparisons? Are there any boundaries you need to put in place for yourself when it comes to social media? 
  3. Reflect on the resources and advice you have sought or received after surgery. How do you ensure that you are investing in trustworthy and qualified sources of support? How can you be discerning and mindful about the information you accept as you progress on your journey?
  4. Explore what community means to you personally. Do you prefer a large group of people who understand your experiences, or do you find comfort in having a few close friends who share your journey? How can you cultivate the community that best supports your needs and goals?
  5. Reflect on the challenges and rewards of your weight loss journey. How have you persevered through difficult moments? How can you celebrate your progress and acknowledge the worthiness of the journey you’ve undertaken? How can you use this reflection to motivate and inspire yourself moving forward?

I’d like to leave you with some final journal prompts to work through after finishing reading “The Easy Way Out.”

Journal Prompts for Bariatric Patients

  1. Now that you have read the book, compare your initial thoughts and emotions about weight loss surgery with your current perspective. Have your views changed in any way? If so, how has the book influenced your understanding of bariatric surgery?
  2. Reflect on your experiences with societal perceptions of obesity after gaining insights from the book. Have you encountered shame or stigma related to your weight, and how has it affected your decision to undergo weight loss surgery? Did the book provide any new perspectives on this topic?
  3. Revisit your long-term goals after weight loss surgery and consider any new insights you gained from the book. How has reading the book shaped your vision for your life and health in the years to come? What specific actions will you take to work towards these goals, considering the information you’ve learned?
  4. Describe your post-operative experience and compare it with the experiences shared in the book. Have you found similar support systems, or were there resources and support mentioned in the book that you wish were more readily available to you? How do these insights impact your post-surgery journey going forward?
  5. Revisit the idea of embracing the bariatric journey as an ongoing process. After reading the book, write another letter to yourself, acknowledging any changes in your perspective and offering renewed encouragement for the future. How will you apply the information from the book to embrace continuous growth and self-improvement on this journey?


Additional Journal Prompts for Non-Bariatric Patients and Practitioners After Reading the Book:

  1. After reading the book, reflect on any preconceived notions you held about individuals who undergo bariatric procedures. Have your beliefs and attitudes shifted as a result of the book’s insights? How do you plan to approach your interactions with bariatric patients and those who struggle with their weight, if you encounter them in a personal or professional setting, with greater understanding and empathy?
  2. Consider how the book shed light on the impact of societal stigma on the utilization of weight loss surgery. How can you actively contribute to reducing the stigma surrounding obesity and bariatric surgery in your community or workplace? What steps will you take to promote empathy and understanding for those considering or undergoing this type of treatment, based on the new knowledge you’ve acquired from the book?

Sharing is Caring!

Sharing is Caring!

First off, I just want to say a huge THANK YOU again for taking the time to read my book. I’m really proud of you for taking the time to learn more about obesity, surgery, and for going through the journal prompts. Surgery is hard. Providing support and care for your patients is hard. But together we can do hard things!!!! 

If you enjoyed this book and the corresponding resources I would absolutely LOVE if you would share this book with your friends, family, colleagues, and fellow bariatric patients and practitioners. 

If you would like to support me and help me spread the word about this book, please download this PDF to share! I would love for you to send this PDF to your bariatric centre or to a friend! 

Ready For more?!

Ready For More?!


Free Bariatric Meal Planning Guide

Click below to download Jamie’s FREE Bariatric Meal Planning Guide! This is her 50+ Page Ebook that walks you through her signature Bariatric Breakthrough Meal Plate Method, which is the same approach she uses with her clients! In this guide, she teaches you how to plan your meals for success! 

Tackling Snacking Bariatric Mini-Course

A step-by-step self paced course to support you with overcoming snacking and mindless eating after surgery!

The T.R.I.B.E ® Membership!

Say goodbye to the feeling of failure. Your dream bariatric life awaits. The T.R.I.B.E.® is a self-paced, step-by-step membership for babes pre- and post-weight loss surgery. But it’s more than that. This membership is a one-stop shop where all your post-op weight loss surgery needs are met in one place.



If you are a bariatric centre or practitioner and you would like to obtain free resources for your centre, please be sure to get on our bariatric practitioners list! When you opt in to this list, we will send you and your centre monthly tips and tricks on how to continue to support your patients. We will also send you monthly resources to share with your patients including free recipes, journal prompts, and other tips! 

Interested in booking Jamie for a speaking engagement, podcast, or live event?

Please reach out to us directly! She’d love to hear from you!
[email protected]

Are you a brand or platform interested in partnering with Jamie through The Sleeved Dietitian platform?

We’d love to hear about how your brand can help us support more bariatric patients! We’d love to hear from you too! For brand partnership requests please reach out to [email protected].

Questions, Comments, or Concerns?

Please email us directly right here for any questions or feedback.