I love affirmations! Have you used them yet on your WLS journey? They are one of the easiest and most effective ways to help your mindset through this journey.
They help us build confidence and change the way we think and talk to ourselves. As we make lifestyle changes, we need to be kind and have a lot of grace for ourselves. You see, your mind creates your reality (law of attraction, right?!). So the more you speak something into existence, the more likely it is to become true. Our minds and words are extremely powerful!
What are affirmations?
Affirmations are phrases or statements that, when you repeat them regularly (either out loud or to yourself), can shift negative thought patterns and promote positive thinking, self-esteem, and motivation.
Affirmations are one way to help us take what we want and make them our reality!
How do you use Affirmations?
You say or write affirmations daily, whether you currently believe them or not, it doesn’t matter. The more you say it and affirm it, it will soon be your reality, babe!
I typically start out by having my clients come up with 2-3 affirmations to say daily. Once it becomes a regular part of their routine, then we add, tweak or do more.
How to use them:
- Have a focus
- Consistency is key. Say them daily
- Affirm with love, faith, feeling and interest, and feel and believe that your desire has already been fulfilled.
- Refrain from the words “I want” or “I hope”
- Write them or say them outloud- post-its
How to make your own Affirmations:
- Start with “I am…”
- Speak about things as if you already have them (aka keep it in the present tense)
- Speak about things you DO want (aka keep it positive)
- Keep it brief and specific
- Make it mean something to you
Here are some of my favorite affirmations to start you out with:
– I am enough I am worthy and deserving of hitting my goals
– My journey comes easily and naturally to me
– I have the power to change the things that do not align with my purpose – I am patient because I know good things are coming
– Today I am choosing to love my body unconditionally without the expectation for it to change
– I am the hero of my own story
– I am on my way to achieving what I truly desire
– I am right where I am meant to be in this moment
– I am strong and resilient
Now it’s your turn to make your own!
That’s a Wrap
Mindset work is so important on your WLS journey. Affirmations are just one of the many things you can do to help yourself. They are easy, sustainable and realistic to add into your daily routine that will make a huge impact!
Need more support and guidance on mindset work after WLS? Come join the T.R.I.B.E. Membership program where me and my team guide you through everything you need to know on your WLS journey. We have over 35 live support groups, challenges, accountability, modules and MORE!