Weight Loss

the sleeved dietitian™ blog

These are my least favorite questions that I see being asked by other bariatric patients. “Omg can you actually eat all of that?” “Wait, are you able to eat all of that?” “Oh wow, I could never eat all of that.” Over time, many bariatric patients can consume larger quantities of food, which can be […]

“Are you actually able to eat all of that?”

Weight Loss

Are you a daily weigher, hoping that the numbers on the scale will provide the validation you seek on your bariatric journey?  If so, you’re not alone, but I’m here to tell you that hyperfocusing on that number might be doing more harm than good. First and foremost, let me validate your feelings and frustrations. […]

Why Getting On The Scale Everyday Isn’t Helping Your Progress

Bariatric Tips

Hey Babe! By NOT doing these 3 things you’re probably making it SO much more challenging to not only hit your weight loss goals but stick to them.  Right after surgery, everyone’s like, “Eat tiny meals, load up on protein, stay hydrated.”  And yes, that’s super important, especially in the beginning. But what about the […]

3 Things You’re Doing That Are Making it Harder for You to Lose Weight after WLS

Weight Loss

I know it can feel so overwhelming trying to figure out what to eat, when to eat and how to get all of your fluids and vitamins in too. It feels like all we can do is try to stay ‘on schedule’ and think about all of these things, but I’m here to tell you […]

Sample Day of Bariatric Eating

Bariatric Tips

One of my clients inside the T.R.I.B.E. messaged me this week saying “Post op life is just so hard because I’m not able to have any of the foods I love.” And my response to her was “why can’t you?” Here’s the thing – you CAN have foods you love after weight loss surgery. You […]

You’re still allowed to love food after WLS

Bariatric Tips
A green button with the caption push to reset the world

Babes: get ready. Today’s topic – pouch reset, aka gastric sleeve resets – gets me heated. They’re trendy and popular and they also put me in the red because they’re also 100% bullshit.  I’m going to spill all of the tea on what a “reset” is and why I absolutely do NOT recommend them. But […]

Is a Pouch Reset  Really Necessary?

Bariatric Tips