Homemade Pickles


Hey babe! I absolutely love pickles, and I even loved them before I knew about all of their health benefits! I snack on pickles all the time and they are one of my favorites. 

In today’s blog post, I’m going to share a little bit about pickles and my favorite recipe I use to make my own.

Pickles are fermented which makes them a great probiotic! They also have tons of vitamins and nutrients us WLS babes need like; Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Potassium, Sodium, and folate. Please note that some store-bought brands have more sodium than others. Make sure to read labels or make your own so you know exactly what you’re getting.

Pickles can be a part of a delicious post-bariatric snacks and meals! I always recommend adding them to your plates for an extra crunch; and they count as veggies, which is a plus!

Let’s dive into how to make the pickles!

Making pickles at home is different than canning for long-term use. Please keep in mind that you will not be canning these, therefore they are to be eaten within 7-10 days of making them for your safety!

What you’ll need:

Pickle Recipe:


  • 2 quarts of water
  • 1/3 cup of salt
  • 1/2 cup of sugar (may use sugar substitute if preferred)
  • 1 1/2 cup white vinegar
  • 3-5 pickling cucumbers (depending on how much you want to make)
  • 4 garlic cloves (although I think I used a shit ton more bc that’s who I am I measure with my heart lol)
  • 5-6 sprigs of fresh dill


  1. Heat water, salt, sugar and vinegar to a boil and then let cool completely
  2. While liquid is cooling, wash and dry cucumbers then slice cucumbers (either length-wise or in small thin round disks – completely up to your preference)
  3. Thinly slice the garlic cloves
  4. Pack the cucumbers, garlic, and fresh dill into jars, layering all 3 from top to bottom.
  5. Can also add a slice or two of hot pepper for flavor or for a spicy pickle if desired
  6. Pour cooled liquid over the top of the jars, filling to the top
  7. Close jars and store in refrigerator for at least 24 hours before eating. Will keep in the refrigerator for 7-10 days

That’s a Wrap

I know snacking can be difficult and overwhelming after WLS. These pickles are my number one snack that I am constantly grabbing, especially in the warmer weather. 

If you don’t know how to create snacks that work for you and your goals check out my new course “Tackling Snacking: Bariatric Mini Course” where I teach bariatric patients how to create balanced snacks to keep you from going back to old habits. Click here for the course

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